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Application control and integrity checks


Application control is recognised as one of the most effective strategies for system security, and preventing the execution of malicious code. Application control is also one of the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight strategies and recommended across all classifications for organisations aligning with the Australian Information Security Manual (ISM).

In a previous article I looked at configuring application control across cloud and containers/Kubernetes workloads. In this article, I'd like to take a closer look at integrity checking. You may have only allowed a certain process to execute - but how do you know it's the right process?

I'm using Red Hat Enterprise Linux in this article - you can get access at

The file integrity dilemma

Previously we looked at fapolicyd for application control on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, providing the ability to control which processes can execute on a system. By default fapolicyd doesn't enforce any integrity checking, which can introduce some interesting challenges for security and operations teams.

Here's what I mean.

Let's firstly install and start fapolicyd:

$ sudo yum install -y fapolicyd
$ sudo systemctl start fapolicyd

Now let's drop an application onto the system from a potentially questionable source:

$ sudo -i
# curl -L | tar -xz -C /usr/local/bin/

Switch to a regular user account and try and execute it:

$ /usr/local/bin/cowsay "Mooo"
-bash: /usr/local/bin/cowsay: Operation not permitted

Ordinarily this would display a friendly cow saying "Mooo". But fapolicyd is doing its job and not permitting this application to execute!

What if I move this file into a trusted location?

$ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/cowsay /bin/more
cp: overwrite '/bin/more'? y

Change to a regular user and run the file:

$ more "Mooo"
< Mooo >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Hmmm. So by default fapolicyd doesn't care what the file looks like, as long as it's executed from a trusted path. This potentially leaves us open to an attacker substituting a binary for something more malicious than cowsay.

Application control and integrity

Fortunately there are several options we have to verify the integrity of files with fapolicyd.

File-size checking

This is a very fast method of integrity checking, where fapolicyd verifies that the file is the correct size before allowing execution. It has minimal impacts on system performance, however an attacker could replace a binary and preserve its byte size however, which needs to be taken into consideration when using this method.

Comparing SHA-256 hashes

Computing and checking SHA-256 checksums is more secure than file-size checking, but does have an impact on system performance.

Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) subsystem

The Linux kernel already provides mechanisms to collect and verify the state of files. Specifically, the Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) measures, stores and appraises files' hashes before they are accessed, which prevents the reading and execution of unreliable data.

IMA can be used by fapolicyd to support file integrity checks, though it is complex to configure and maintain.

In this article we'll configurefapolicyd to compare SHA-256 checksums to ensure file integrity, as this is simple to setup and configure.

Configuring integrity checks with the File Access Policy Daemon

Let's make some changes to the fapolicyd configuration to support integrity checking. Open /etc/fapolicyd/fapolicyd.conf and update integrity = none to integrity = sha256.

$ sudo cat /etc/fapolicyd/fapolicyd.conf | grep integrity
integrity = sha256

Let's get our system back in order by re-installing /bin/more:

$ sudo yum reinstall -y /bin/more

Finally, restart fapolicyd:

$ sudo systemctl restart fapolicyd

Testing everything out

Let's try the same routine as before. Try and execute the suspicious binary out of /usr/local/bin/:

$ /usr/local/bin/cowsay
-bash: /usr/local/bin/cowsay: Operation not permitted

It fails - all good so far! Now let's move it to /bin/more:

$ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/cowsay /bin/more
cp: overwrite '/bin/more'? y

Let's try to execute the file as a normal user:

$ more "Mooo"
-bash: /usr/bin/more: Operation not permitted

Success! Even though we tried to swap out the system's more binary with something more malicious, fapolicyd detected the file had been changed and prevented the application executing.

Next steps

In this article we looked at applying integrity checks for application control processes, providing additional assurances that the code we want to execute is actually the code that executes. We specifically looked at configuring the File Access Policyd daemon (fapolicyd) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux to compare SHA-256 hashes. You may also want to experiment with the Linux kernel's Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) subsystem as an alternate method of supporting file integrity with fapolicyd.

What we haven't considered is - what would integrity checks look like for containers on Kubernetes? I'll look at this in a future article, and some approaches to Kubernetes workload integrity.

Leave me a comment if you've had success with fapolicyd or Kubernetes-native approaches to application control!